Thursday, April 4, 2013

A Trip to the British Museum

After college today, Olga and I decided to go for a wonder around the British Museum, just as something different to do. The first thing I asked was where all the jewellery was and was pleased to find out that it is all over the British Museum!

They have the most amazing pieces from the Roman era, Ancient Greece, Medieval UK and more, have a look at some of my favourites.......

Apparently this is for a sandal but I thought it looked like a beautiful bangle.

This gold chain with amethyst pendant was Olga's favourite, it is stunning
(sorry about my photography). 
I loved these gold necklaces with green stones. Seeing them made me realise how much designers now look at past times for inspiration, lucky us! 
Now these gold cuffs are just exquisite! I would love one!
 Pretty gems stone jewellery. I wonder who wore these once upon a time?
Look at this gold headdress and Roman earrings, so intricately designed but very heavy! 
I think this gold necklace is one of my favourites and how stunning is that cuff bangle! Oh how I would love this set. I wonder if the lucky girl who once wore it would have been my age and loved jewellery as much as I do, what did she look like?
Of course the British Museum has much more to offer but the jewellery is what captured me x

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