Sunday, April 19, 2015

Courtney's Yellow Sapphire

My dear friend Courtney is a gypsy soul Yogi, very spiritual and one of those people who, when she says she is going to do something, she does it!

So, when Courtney made a trip to North India and met a wise old Indian man, with spiritual powers, who advised her to buy a Yellow Sapphire ring, of a certain cut, carat and particular saturation, that is exactly what she did. 

Courtney knows I love wondering the back streets of Deira's gold souk, looking at gems, so she enlisted me to help her find a gem dealer and jewellery maker... I took her straight to Jaipur Gems in Deira's back streets. We had a beautiful day.

Fun, fun, fun, searching for Courtney's perfect Yellow Sapphire. Aren't they stunning?!

Beautiful Courtney, trying stones on for size.... learning about inclusions and the benefits of a Sapphire's hardness for every day wear. She designed her own ring.

And voila! Here it is in all it's yellow glory. Like a little ray of sunshine. Beautiful x

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