Thursday, September 19, 2013

If Women are Jade, Men are Diamonds x

The exotic gem stone Jade, is the toughest of all gem stones. It is easy to carve into any desired shape but is so tough it will very rarely break, it's colours are varied and delightful with imperial green being the most sought after. 
Diamonds are the hardest mineral, almost impossible to cut (only another diamond can do so) but they are breakable. Diamonds are remarkable and hold such beauty.
I always think of women as being like Jade and men being like diamonds, the two compliment each other so well and together give enduring hardness and toughness....the perfect combination xx
These beautifully carved jade earrings were bought in Singapore as a romantic gesture between a man and a woman. I love the diamond design at the top of the earrings, to me they seem 1920's or 1930's inspired. How joyful it must be to wear these x

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