Friday, December 14, 2012

A Gift from Vienna

My boyfriend's parents recently took a romantic trip to Vienna. Lynn, his Mum, told me how they took long romantic strolls along the beautiful streets in between eating delicious food. On one of their wonders they passed an antique jewellery shop, tucked away down a little side street. In the window Brian spotted a dazzling ruby and diamond bracelet, so persuaded Lynn to go in and try it on (how lovely). As well as the ruby and diamond bracelet there was also a sapphire version and an emerald version. Lynn fell for the emerald and diamond bracelet.

It is a 1950's design and I can imagine a very elegant 1950's lady wearing it to the opera or ballet with perhaps a wonderful couture Dior dress on?
Look at the colour of those emeralds!

What's wonderful about this stunning bracelet is that I can see it being worn with smart jeans or trousers and a casual top, just as much as I can see it with a ball gown. I told Lynn that she will now need to go and get a pair of matching earrings xx

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