Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Tatiana Santo Domingo - Bohemian Beauty

I love a mix of ethical clothing and jewellery, collected from my travels from around the world, mixed with high street brands and designer labels, no one does this better than Tatiana Santo Domingo.

Like her pal Margherita Missoni, she has her very own individual and bohemian style. I love that she seems to dress totally for herself and have her own idea of how things should go together. As well as her fashion being eclectic, exotic and bohemian, so is her jewellery - I love how she puts her jewellery together with her clothing.

 This necklace is so pretty and demure but at the same time quite exotic, it is such a good colour choice with this dress and adds her own style to it!

Effortlessly chic in these long necklaces.

Love the statement earrings, so glamorous, exotic and beautiful x

Love, love, love this - I want one.... and somewhere to wear it.

Travel chic. I reckon these are some pieces from her clothing line Muzungu Sisters. Fabulous.

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