Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Dubai's XVA Gallery Shop

One of the things I love the most about living in Dubai are the mix of cultures and the women's love of fashion. Of course jewellery is a huge part of your style expression and Dubai is abundant with it. There are jewellery shops that sell high end jewellery all over, gold souks, the Gold and Diamond Park, lots of little stalls and also boutiques selling a range of fabulously designed gemstone jewellery. We are spoilt for choice!

The XVA gallery in the Bastakiya has a little shop that sells beautiful gemstone jewellery. I was there the other day and manged to snap a few of their fabulous pieces, (apologies, as my camera is far from great).

 These Arabic designs are very popular in Dubai and people back at home love them. As I adore turquoise so much, Arabic jewellery is always something I gravitate towards.

These earrings are from an Afghan designer, aren't they sublime x

Simple, elegant and pretty earrings!

Wonderful x

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